2006 SHOU PU’ER 熟普洱 (Aged Golden Buds Ripe Pu'er) — JIN YUN FU Tea Shop
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2006 SHOU PU’ER 熟普洱 (Aged Golden Buds Ripe Pu'er)

2006 SHOU PU’ER 熟普洱 (Aged Golden Buds Ripe Pu'er)


ORIGIN: Menghai, Yunnan, China

SERVINGS: 8 x 6.3 g


DESCRIPTION: Aged for 16 years, this 2006 Shou Pu’er comes from Yunnan, Menghai. With the trademark gentle, lingering sweetness of all high quality Pu’ers, this tea is very thick and full with a beautiful deep red color.

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