2007 DA YI SHENG PU'ER 勐海大益生普洱
2007 DA YI SHENG PU'ER 勐海大益生普洱
This 2007 Dayi sheng pu’er has only been produced in one batch from Menghai Tea Factory. It is an excellent choice for both immediate drinking and storage. Dayi pressed teas transform slowly due to being stored in dry warehouses that are clean and well ventilated. After 16 years of aging the tea has a golden amber color with a gentle honey aroma followed by a nutty, woody taste with a long-lasting sweet aftertaste! Tea lovers cannot miss out on this high quality, highly recommended sheng pu'er tea.
WEIGHT: 357g
ORIGIN: Menghai, Yunnan
STORAGE: The leaves can be stored in their original packaging or in an airtight container, away from harsh sunlight and strong odors